Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The so-called introduction

Assalamualaikum and haiii everyone !

Im such a wannabe omg hahaha but to start off I just want to give a little bit of introduction, as most of you are probably my friends, righhttt ?
The given name is Munirah, have been living for 20 years *nangissss because havent been contributing enough* huhu
Currently studying Business Administration in UBD, 2nd year 1st sem. Doakan maju jaya please :')

I have been thinking for as long as i can remember about creating this blog...but only now i made it a reality. K dramatic.

So what are your expectations of this blog ? Hmm..

I'll try my best to give at least a pinch of benefits to whoever is reading this blog in sha Allah (hopefully it works out !)  Because actually i have the passion for writing (except academic writing T.T) and alhamdulillah with the ability and passion to write, why not use it as a source of inspiration kan ? ;)

The title of this blog was picked with a purpose.

Why "The journey of a thousand words" ?

I believe that words can be carried to places, minds and hearts. :)  They are capable of changing the bad to good, darkness to light, and most importantly the misled to guidance, with the help of Allah.

Soooo you'll be seeing a lot of my everyday life and the lessons i can grasp from each day hehe 

With that, i would like to leave this for you,

Carilah 1001 cara untuk menjadi orang 
yg bermanfaat, kerana walau sudah tiada, 
jasa kita hidup bersama mereka. 

"Penunjuk kepada kebaikan mendapat
pahala seperti pelakunya." (Muslim) 

See you in the next post ! 


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